Posted on September 27, 2019 at 12:00 PM
Welcome to the new members of Tsuruoka Laboratory. As you probably know, we have two major research topics in the lab, Natural Language Processing and Game AI. In this page you will find the orientation material we use so our new students can experience both topics before settling on one! All our students will have theor AIs compete against each other using a leaderboard for the AI game challenge and get the chance to present their work in front of everyone!
The first lab assignment for orientation consists of creating a game AI algorithm that can play the game reversi (or orthello). We provide you with initial code of the board and movements on our gitlab account, as well as slides (currently only in Japanese) that contain different algorihtms to tackle this task. Algorithms such as Minimax and Monte Carlo, among others.
The second assignment is concerned with Natural language processing. New students are provided with slides and material about Vector Word Representations and are tasked with counting occurences of a word in a text and the frequency of words around other words.
Assignment 3 is all about Neural networks. With the help of our well explained slides, you can make your very first neural network from scratch and you can choose a task to tackle using Neural nets after that.
You can use Twitter data for simple sentiment analysis or classification of dog and cat pictures like you can see below. You can do something more complicated like pattern recognition as well, it's up to you!