
About Tsuruoka Laboratory

Tsuruoka laboratory is afficliated with University of Tokyo, Information and Communication Engineering department under the Information Science and Technology graduate school.

The two main topics covered in the laboratory consist of Natural Language Processing and Game AI, however other topics are permitted and exploring topics the students care about is encouraged.

We like having a multi-cultural lab enviroment and have lab members and staff from different countries including Japan, China, Latvia, Thailand, Tunisia and hopefully more in the future!

Previous Members

Name Class Account
小田 晃史 Bachelor Student
藤本 廉 Bachelor Student
岩瀬 諒 Master Student
陈 子恺 Master Student
大矢 一穂 Bachelor Student
加賀谷 昂輝 Bachelor Student
海野 良介 Master Student
中田 惇貴 Master Student
阿久井 駿 Master Student
李 凌寒 Doctoral Student
安井 豪 Doctoral Student
中本 光彦 Bachelor Student
長澤 紘汰 Bachelor Student
脇 聡志 Bachelor Student
于 天帥 Master Student
比企野 純一 Master Student
橋本 大世 Master Student
焦 宇航 Master Student
藤田 航輝 Bachelor Student
髙﨑 環 Bachelor Student
高橋 篤剛 Bachelor Student
宮崎 広夢 Master Student
余 海瀚 Master Student
古川 好 Master Student
トリシティショーク タサバット Master Student
鄧 一凡 Master Student
西川 荘介 Bachelor Student sousuke
中村 朝陽 Bachelor Student nakam
川島 丸生 Bachelor Student kawashima
李 桐 Master Student litnog
彭 来鸽 Master Student penglaige
張 昊宇 Master Student zhanghaoyu
加納 由希夫 Master Student kano
Ben Rim Wiem Research Student wiem
Wang Wangjie Doctoral Student wang-wj
Eriguchi Akiko Doctoral Student eriguchi
Kameko Hirotaka Doctoral Student kameko
Hashimoto Kazuma Doctoral Student hassy
Mizukami Naoki Doctoral Student mizukami
Ogimoto, Takahiro Master Student ougimoto
Kinugawa, Kazutaka Master Student kinugawa
Taguchi, Naoya Master Student guchio
Xu, Yang Master Student yangxu
Kawamura, Keigo Master Student kkawamura
Mizutani, Yota Master Student mizutani
Marquez, Marta Master Student ---
Eto, Ryo Undergraduate Student eto
Fujimoto, Kaiyu Undergraduate Student kfujimoto